Is it possible to add a row after a row of dynamic tables

I tried it now with manipulation a dynamic table. But it didn’t work well.
I have a table and want to add in some cases a row or columns.

With a script I want to manipulate.

I tried to add some content with results.after(“<tr><td colspan=‘9’>Text</td></tr>”);


results.after(“</tr><tr><td colspan=‘9’>Text</td>”);

because I read the API for the Designer and thougt It would add the content after </td>. So I had to close the <tr> Tag and open again.

I got one step further. I add a Script with the selector one the table row and add there following script:

results.each(function(index) {
var itemHasBOM = record.tables[“line”][index].fields[“Item”];
if(item == 1){
this.after(“<tr><td colspan=‘9’>Index: " + index + " Count: " + item +”</td></tr>");

Everything looks well in the preview mode, but I got allways an Error.

What’s the reason for this Error?