Installer not Running

I run the offline installer select English but then nothing happens, for about 15 mins there is a process running called Objectif Lune Connect Pre Install but that ends with nothing happening.

My server is 2012 R2 64 bit and has no internet connection but I have installed the Go-Daddy certificates

Firewall is off, any ideas?

Dear user,

can you please have a look at the installation logs? You can find them under C:\Users\Connect\logs\Installer.

For use that name, under which account you run the installation.

The Connect installation procedure will usually write two log files, one named “Installer_.log” and another named “OL_Install_.log”.

indicates the date, when that log file has been written, indicates a unique time stamp.

Please put all the respective log files here for analysis.


This is the entry

2017-02-23 15:10:45.613 [L] Error in Java launcher. Error: 101
Method: verifyEmbeddedSignature
Message: WinVerifyTrust failed with error 0x80096005 C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\ConnectSetup\plugins\com.objectiflune.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.6.1.35991\eclipse_vc10.dll
Location: WinVerifyTrust

I am guessing there is something not working regarding the certificate


this is a known issue and is related to one or several certificates missing on your computer. We have a PDF available, which describes, how to check all this and fix it. If you tell me your mail address, I’ll send it to you.


please send to


did you receive the PDF? Did it help to solve your problem?

I believe I am having this same problem, but the log files aren’t being created. The other symptoms are the same. How can I get this PDF you mention?



Never mind. It was the anti virus. All good now.