Installation error INS000430


I tried to install Printshopmail Connect and I’ve got error message INS000430.

Here are the details from the log file:

ERROR : performProvisioning : An error occurred while configuring the installed items

ERROR : session context was:(profile=com.objectiflune.mysql.generic.product, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Configure, operand=null –> [R], action=com.objectiflune.installer.configuration.common.actions.ConfigurationAction). : session context was:(profile=com.objectiflune.mysql.generic.product, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Configure, operand=null –> [R], action=com.objectiflune.installer.configuration.common.actions.ConfigurationAction)

Is it possible to have two different types of Printshop Mail at the same time? I mean PSM 7 and Connect.
Thanks your answers in advance!

Hello Tekla,

Please contact the Technical Support team to obtain help on installation errors. Unfortunately, it’s pretty difficult to troubleshoot these sorts of error via a web forum.

To answer your question however, yes you can have PrintShop Mail 7 and PrintShop Mail Connect 1.X installed on the same machine - they do not conflict in any way that I know of.
