Insert Blank Record In PDF Workflow


I have a job where I’m trying to insert a dummy/blank record/pages into a PDF. The Workflow concats the single PDF’s into one large PDF. This merged PDF is then run through a PDF mapper and template. A Create Job filters out invoices that are 2 pages per record (4 images), followed by a Create Output that adds OMR to said PDF. At this point I can get the record count of the PDF which I need to use to decide if a dummy record needs to be injected into the PDF.

After the Create Output I have a script borrowed from here, that adds the dummy record to the PDF.

The script merges the dummy record to the PDF just fine as I can see in debug mode after the script is run by selecting “View as PDF”. The next plugin I want to impose this modified PDF from A4 to 2 up on A3 but the plugin uses the PDF that was output after the Create Output task.

How do I change the input data to use the modified PDF from the script to impose it via the second Create Output?

I want to avoid using another Execute Data Mapping and Create Print Content as those tasks take a long time to finish with large PDF files.

I must be missing something obvious. Any input will be greatly appreciated.


Hello @Sharne,

I expect that the reason why this is happening is because you also need to update the metadata in this case.

I’m not certain if the VBScript example shared via the following forum post could be of any help?

Add empty blank page (duplex) - OL Learn

Hi Marten,

I will take a look at Phil’s script and report back, thanks.


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Note that if you no longer need the metadata after your script, you can simply delete it using the Metadata file management task. Consequently, that old VB Script of mine would not be required.