Impositioning - not fitting on selected media size

I found this Q&A that I though would answer my question however something isn’t working for me.

I had a similar issue so I copied the print section properties in that example. In the Output Preset if I use the same settings as are in the screen shot I get the message “The impositioned pages will not fit on the selected media size” and no preview. If I change “Auto-Position” to “Scale to Fit” the preview is available but shows the impositioned pages in portrait.

Where should I be looking to resolve this?

Could you share the screenshots of your settings both for the Print section properties and the Imposition Options? The section needs to be Portrait but in a way that the width of the page is greater than its height to mimic landscape orientation.

I now have this working. When I set the width to greater than the height but kept the Portrait option selected Connect crated a new media. I deleted the other media, created a new output preset and impositioning now worked.

Thank you.