I already test “Inverse page order” but I don’t want to print from back to front and also the order is not the correct one.
Result of the test (last sheet is first and order is just wrong):
But in that case I have to work in design upside down…
Is there a possibility (as workaround) to rotate the whole design (section) 180deg, all placed elements (not only rotating single elements, because it has to be mirrored)?
We urgently need a way to achieve the shown imposition order (Bottom-Top, Left-Right).
Can you let me know please if PlanetPress Workflow is also involved and what you would like to produce as output (PDF, PCL, Postscript)?
In case PlanetPress Workflow is involved and you would like to create PDF output you might consider the option of splitting the OL Connect process into two OL Connect processes by which you can create in the first OL Connect process the PDF output (without imposition), then run a Run Script plugin to inverse the page order–this can be done by using for example the solution as suggested in the following OL Learn forum post ‘Reversing Page Order in document set’–and in the second OL Connect process you can apply the imposition options as suggested in my previous post in the second OL Connect process.
P.S. by OL Connect process I am referring to the OL Connect Workflow plugins (Execute Data Mapping, Create Print Content, Create Job, Create Output).
Sadly there is no PlanetPress Workflow involved and the customer don’t want to use it. They need it for OnDemand Jobs. They want to output pdf file (no job splitting).
Otherwise, I would have suggested to the customers the way you pointed out. But it must happen directly out of the designer. Also, we are talking about 200,000 to 800,000 records (pages) and so the workflow way would be a bit time consuming (double processing).
Workflow is therefore not a solution for the customer.
Thank you for your suggestion but it does not work, because I also need to rotate alle content items (e.g. divs) on the page.
Your script only rotates the background pdf, isnt it? Thats also possible in the background settings of the print section. Or did I miss something?
You are right, but if you rotate in the section properties, it will be rotated also in the design view.
Here you have an example, which rotates everything on the page (A4 in this case) in preview and output.
Post pagination script on body selector:
var s1 = merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections["Section 1"];