Imposition and seperation

I like to output some pdf’s on imposition and split this output on a certain value in the database. I know how to seperate and I know how to imposite, but a combination of these two only giving me errors. Is it possible, and yes, how? Thanks in advance.

I’m assuming, you have already your database value as a data mapper variable?

  • Create a job preset, based on this data mapper, with “use grouping” and “include meta data” checked.
  • In the Grouping Options, create a Job Segment based on your database field/DM variable;
  • In the Meta Data Options, go to “Job Segment Tags”, check “Always create meta …” and add “field meta data” using your database value/variable from the field list.
  • Save the job preset.
  • Create an Outputpreset and use the already created job preset as “Job Creation Configuration”
  • Check “Imposition” and “Separation”. Set the Output type to Directory and click on the pencil icon beside “Job output mask”. This should open a screen for the filename definition. Set the Separation to “Job Segment” and define the mask, using the available fields, expressions, free text and so on. See attached screenshot. Here I have my output grouped and separated by a variable called “pkgNr” from my data mapper…
  • Define your desired imposition in the next screen.
  • Set the separation to “Job segment” on the screen after the imposition
  • Save and test your newly created presets with the right data
    best regards

Yes, this puts me on the right track, thank you!!
best regards, rolf