I am examining the properties of the image element. If I open the properties window – tab Image – section: Text Wrap, you will find 2 options: Float and Clear. I was assuming it could affect the string within the alternate text attribute but I have change the values of those 2 options but the the alternate text appear the same way when the browser does fin the image.
I have 2 screen captures:
The windows of those options and the result in the web browser when the does find the image.
The clearCSS property specifies whether an element can be next to floating elements that precede it or must be moved down (cleared) below them. The clear property applies to both floating and non-floating elements.
As for the “Float” property, is places the image on the left or right within surrounding text, just like the Inline Box. Basically, the clear property nullifies the float property…
The display of the alt text is controlled by the browser, and cannot be modified. If you want to have something like a legend, you could use the <fig> and <figcaption> tags but those would need to be placed in the source code directly, as we do not have any UI button to add them easily: reference. Otherwise there are a few CSS/HTML tricks for them.