I’m trying to use the HTTP Server Input but am not having much luck. It’s very hard to find the correct or even any information for it. All i’m wanting to do is post a few fields and save the results as variables in the workflow. I was looking at the below:
But this is the link for a plugin. I have no idea where you are meant to get this from (after a lot of searching). And it just says what the incoming HTML should be but when I post data in this way I don’t get the same results. How is the data meant to be posted?
This is the current response I am getting:
‘<’?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“windows-1252”‘?>’
‘<‘request type=“POST”’>’
‘<‘paths count=“0”’/>’
‘<‘values count=“0”’/>’
‘<‘files count=“0”’/>’
cache-control= no-cache
Postman-Token= 94cd6c6a-2299-4eb8-ae4b-dbb571b6a4ab
Content-Type= text/plain
User-Agent= PostmanRuntime/7.3.0
Accept= /
accept-encoding= gzip, deflate
content-length= 52
Connection= keep-alive
Parameters= & l t ; input type= & q u o t ; text & q u o t ; name= & q u o t ; name & q u o t ; value= & q u o t ; Peter Parker & q u o t ; & g t;