I’m slowly beginning to make some progress through various features in Connect.
I can see how the boundary trigger on text works but I need a little bit more control so I want to use the trigger on script. The document has a control marker “((n,m))” where m is optional. I need a boundary whenever a valid control marker is found. It’s perfectly practical to write a regex to validate the value but I can’t figure out the structure for triggering on a script.
Could someone help with me the basic syntax?
A lot of Connect still doesn’t make sense and I’m sure some training would help but as I’m the only person working with Connect it’s just too expensive for us.
The source files are PDF’s with multiple multi-page documents in each. I’m trying to split the file into a number of documents. The record boundary indicator is a command string in the format “((n,m))”. I believe this was used by an old folder inserter system where “n” is the new envelope command and the “m” is an optional insert marker.
I don’t need to do any other processing, just identify where the next document starts.
For PDF’s, your boundaries script should be similar to the following:
// In the line below, adjust the location of the region
// you want to examine. Parameters are (Left, Top, Width, Height)
// and are expressed in mm.
var myRegion = region.createRegion(170,25,210,35);
var regionStrings=boundaries.get(myRegion);
if (regionStrings) {
for (var i=0;i<regionStrings.length; i++) {
if (regionStrings[i].match(/__(\({2}n,*m*\){2})?__/gi)){
The RegExp will attempt to match ((n,m)) or ((n)) against any of the strings in the specified region and if it does, a document boundary is then set.
Note that you should should try and specify the smallest possible region in order to keep the algorithm efficient, but it would still work on much larger regions if the marker happens to move around from page to page.