I have a csv file (30 lines) . In the output, I get one record per page. Where can I tell design that I want all lines on one page ?
As explained in the documentation, it is the field Record Limit that you’ll find on the Settings tab, Boundaries section. The Trigger must be Record(s) per page.
If I understood it correctly, all lines of the CSV file (30 lines) should be in one record. That means the Data Model should have only 1 record. Correct?
If it is always statically 30 rows in the CSV file, the option Record(s) per page with the value 30 can be set in the Datamapper (Trigger in Settings > Boundaries).
If the total number of rows can vary, you can select the On field value option in Trigger. Then you select an arbitrary field at Field name and enter a value at Expression which can never occur in this field (e.g.: ThisValueWillNeverExist).
On your screenshot we can see, that all csv lines are in one record (in the Afficeur tabulaire area). If you need one record per line you have to set Fiches to 1…
If you set it to 33 all lines are in one single record.
So the result Afficheur tabulaire seems to match your boundary settings.
Maybe I missunderstood you. Whats your goal?