How to get field data into workflow jobinfos

I have a workflow that I need to create a .dwcontrol file from the extraction fields in datamapper. I have been able to find how to push metadata back into connect, but I can’t seem to find how to get it out of connect, and set in workflow itself.

I cannot use workflow itself to pull the data from the source, as it is a PCL document type and is only read correctly via Connect. I need the fields to pass to workflow.


When you execute your data mapping in Workflow, choose to “Output records in Metadata”

This will take all of your mapped data and make it available in the workflow metadata at the document level. Next, you can use a ‘Set Job Infos and Variables’ to apply the value of a metadata location to a variable. Note, that when you right click to use ‘Get Metadata Location’ you must be in debug mode and must have already stepped passed your datamapping in order to see the fields in the metadata selector.

This solution should be good if you’re dealing with one record at a time (ie, your datamapping only outputs a single record). If you’re dealing with multiple records, things get more complicated (but still feasible). It all depends on the data you’re working with and your ultimate goals.

Thank you, that’s exactly what I was looking for.