How to convert zip to OL-template

I am editing an email template and thought of editing using my Visual studio Code .
Steps I Tried Is as below .

0- Renamed OL-template file to .zip
1- Unzipped the zip file, which generated some folder with some files in it , which included html and css etc.
2- Opened in VsCode
3- Edited template
4- Zipped back the folder
5- Renamed the folder to test.OL-template
6- tried to open in the PP Designer .

Now I Am getting an error saying index.xml file is missing .
What am I doing wrong, Please advise.
Thanks in Advance

Hi thulasikrishna, and welcome to the community!

We can’t help you with editing resources outside of the application. This could lead to a number of issues with the resources, and it would be impossible to provide any support for them.

Out of curiosity, why would you want to edit the templates with VSCode instead of using the OL Connect Designer?

I am new to PP and the IDE which I am familiar is VS code and makes my life easy with live server, especially when playing with CSS and JS where I can see the changes which I make in a different window instead of switching back and forth in source and preview in PP.
Is there a better way to achieve the same or similar in PP ?

Many of the changes can be made directly from the preview window, but unfortunately you cannot have it side by side with the source window…