I’m preparing a process, where I use script to determine, if particular document should be printed, or not. The decision is made on several conditions (for example the scripts checks, if imported data has changed since previous import).
One of the requirements is to generate the documents if document template was modified. Regarding this, is there any way for a script to check which templates are used in particular process and whether the template was updated? I was thinking about checking the files in ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch\OLConnect\Template folder and simply comparing their modified date, but maybe there is some better way to do it.
Thank you for reply, but I’m afraid, that REST API will not be useful for me.
Even if I download the template file, I will not be able to tell, if it was updated by the user. However, following the suggestion, I checked REST API reference and found List Resources method, but it seems, that it still will not be adequate for me. As reference mentions, it returns following information about each resource:
id (integer)
name (string)
path (string)
type (string)
size (integer)
There is no information about modification date.
What I need to know, is whether the tamplate was updated by the user (for example by sending modified template from Designer using Send to Server) since previous process iteration.