How to change the MediaType used for the preview of a Master Page?

whilie editing one of the Master Pages, I noticed that the Designer uses the “wrong” MediaType.
The MediaType shown in the background has a virtual stationary, whereas the MediaType normally used with the MasterPage has none.

How can I change the MediaType for the MasterPage?




It is at the Section level where you can decide which Media for which Master page. If you right-click on the specific Section, then Sheet Configuration, you’ll be able to select the Media and Master page for this section.

Hope this helps!




Thanks for your answer, but as far as I can see, this is not what I tried to describe.

Your answer is correct, when you are editing a section: “Sheet Configuration” can be used to choose which MasterPage and what MediaType should be shown in the background for a specific section.

The problem I have is as follows:
I have 2 MediaTypes defined: “LogoPapier” and “Blanko” whereas “Logo” has a virtual stationary defined that and “Blanko” is just the paper with no virtual stationary.
Now, I want to define two MasterPages: one for letters that will be printed on MediaType “LogoPapier” and one (“BlankoMaster”) that will be used with MediaType “Blanko”.

When editing the MasterPage “BlankoMaster”, the Designer displays the MediaType “LogoPapier” in the background - the virtual Stationary PDF is shown (the colored graphics)

As there is no active section, the settings found in “Sheet Configuration” can’t be used.

What I am looking for, is a way to choose the MediaType when editing a MasterPage.

You can see: the current MasterPage is “BlankoMaster”, but the “Preview Media” is set to “LogoPapier”.

Also shown is, that the Designer has decided to show the “Preview section margins” for a section named “Brief” - what, if I wanted another sections margins to be shown?



In version 1.3 we added a Media drop down to the blue toolbar of the master page editor. This drop down allows you to select a media entry and preview its virtual stationery image.


Hi Erik,

thanks - same for the “Preview section margins”?



Yes same for section margins.
