How do you use the wingdings font?

I expected this to display the scissors character yet it displays the # instead. Even when proof printing.

<span style=“font-family: Wingdings; font-size: 12pt;”>#</span>

I tried using other characters such as letter a with similar results.

Also tried using font face=“Wingdings” and &#35;

I hope I’m missing something simple.


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The internal webbrowser of the Designer is not capable of showing the Winding font. Most characters of the Winding fonts are available in Unicode though and can be applied without setting the font. Try adding the following to the Source: ✁

An overview of these characters can be found here:

Hope this is of some help,


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Thanks Erik, you got me on the right track. This actually needed to be added to the source: ✁ you just had a $ instead of the &. By the way it does show up in the preview just as expected now.

You are right, a typo but glad it helped. I’ve corrected it. Thanks.