How do I use the locale setting in Connect Designer?

I have an invoice that requires text to be shown in English for use here in the U.S. and Dutch for use in certain European regions. Can Connect’s locale setting help me with that? Can you include an example?

Hi Lou,

Unfortunately there isn’t any built-in translation system in Connect. However, we have a nice little sample you can take a look at, that does this with the help of JSON strings saved in a file. This helps in translations across multiple languages, of course, but the sample itself only has 2.

Alternatively, if it’s just a few boxes, you could just add conditions to them, or hardcode the strings within a script, but the sample above works for any number of elements on your page, so I’d suggest that.

Thanks, I’ll have a look at this example.

Hi Lou,

You can use the Locale to display the date and the money according to the customer language (data field name: Language in data mapping): in Edit -> Locale select “Data field” in Use and in the Data field select language.

and use scripts to translate some other element. To continue with the Evie answer, I add another example (data mapping and template) if you want to use scripts.