How Do I Dynamically Change Header Titles on Master Page

Hello I am trying to dynamically set the contents of a Text Script called @Header1@ which is located on a master page.

The content of the page is dynamic paragraphs that will overflow from page to page. This is working correctly

On the Print Section I have created 2 Selector Only Scripts that are currently using the Class “.” method. I have attached the class selector value of “headeripi” which calls the corresponding script .headeripi which sets global variable “Text Header One”

On the first table that overflows to page 2 I added a Class called “headerfaq” which calls a corresponding script called .headerfaq this sets global variable with Text Header Two

A simple Text Script called Header 1 calls the variable Header 1 and shows the results.

The result is I get the contents of the overflow header on both page 1 and page 2.

If I understand what you are trying to do, it can be accomplished by creating two master pages. One for the first page and one for others.

If you check the properties of your print context (Section), you will see a tab called “Sheet Configuration”. Uncheck “Same for all positions” and see if that will help you accomplish what you’re looking for.