Full name in email from field

Hi, good afternoon
We want to set the Fullname and email address in the from field.
We tried using the set Name in Windows>Preference>Email>General>Name, but it only worked while we test send email from design. The name disappears when it works in the workflow.
How we can set the Name?
We found that metadata can be set in the design header, but we did not find how to do it.

Thanks in advance

Windows>Preference>Email>General>Name is for the Designer only.

You need to add the name either in the From field of your Template in the following format:
Full name <email address>. Or you can add it in the From field of your Create Email Content in Workflow.

Note that if you set one up in your Template, it will have precedence to the one in Workflow. Also, whatever name you will use, if the recipient already has the email address you use in his contacts, it will display whatever name he has setup for it.