i have a little problem with the datamapper.
I need to save a value from previous record.
Or could we use a public value in the datamapper, and how?
In the example, in the second record, there are 14, 13, 10, 12 missing, which has to be remembered from the previous.
How can I achive this?
Here a little example about the problem:
90 000000J300222590829
40 Article Data
40 994246
20 00001 00000 000000000J005
14 Herr
13 E-Mail
12 AdressData
10 Personal Data
9 0012177000990422000000000000000000000 000067609990422420200716
2 0,00 0,00 175,80 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 175,80 0,00 0,00
1 003500000001003002225522312610000000000000000000
90 000000J599362890829
40 995832 Article 1
40 995672 Article 2
20 00001 00000
9 0010786000637819000000000000000000000 000067609637819720200626
2 0,00 4,95 94,90 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 94,90 0,00 0,00
1 003500000001003002225522312610000000000000000000
Thanks for your answers