Feature Request: "Save As..." for Snippets

A customer of ours asks for the ability to save Snippets to separate files somewhere in the filesystem.

They plan to have common global ressources and want to edit these with the Designer to make sure they have valid HTML that renders fine in Connect.

Just another menu item in the context menu for snippets would be fine.

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Hi thomas,

You can actually drag a snippet directly out of the designer window into a local folder and it will move it outside the designer. If you CTRL+Drag it, it will make a copy instead. This is true for Images, fonts, stylesheets and snippets.

Hi Evie,
thanks for the hint.
From my point of view, the default behaviour for Drag&Drop should be to make copies - not to move.
This is very confusing and will lead to irritations.

I agree. This is an unfortunate effect of the underlying programming environment. There is an open R&D issue to attempt to resolve this in a future version.

FYI This will be resolved in v1.1 and we are adding export/import support for script entries of the Scripts panel.