Feature Request: plugin to summarize Connect Job stats, counts, media types, etc

I would like a Connect Plugin that summarizes the following:

  1. Number of records
  2. Number of Documents
  3. Number of Document Sets
  4. Number of Pages in the job
  5. Media Type, and size, of each page in the job

Basically, I need to know all the stats of a job, to assist with billing. We need to know how many sheets, and types, of paper were consumed, how many documents were produced, etc.

Output should be something very easy to data map, suitable for producing a report.


I created, for you, a feature request to our R&D department.

As always, that doesn’t guarantee that it will be implemented, partially or completely. It depends of the complexity of implementing this and the number of customer it will benefit as well as how many customer are requesting it. The ticket reference number is TS-5548.

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Hi @hamelj

Any news regarding this request…?

Many thanks in advance!

One of our PSO person developped a plugin that migth give you something like that. As it is not official, no support can be expected on it.

Message me in private with your email adsress and i will send it to you.

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Did it work for you?

Hi @hamelj,

Srry, missed your post.

I can’t say it works as I expected

I’ll keep you updated.


Current status of this request?

There are talk of integrating a plugin that was developped by our PSO team but nothing have been done yet.

As it is not official, no support can be expected on it.

Message me in private with your email address and I will send it to you.

For anyone who wants it, please find below the JobDetails plugin developped by one of our PSO member.

Important note:
The JobDetails plugin IS NOT an offical plugin nor is it supported.

If you have issue, feel free to share them in this forum so other user scan help you with them but do not open a support ticket as no help can be provided on it.

Other than that: enjoy :smiley:
README.txt (745 Bytes) JobDetails_0.0.1.24.zip (1.9 MB)

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