Feature request for Retrieve Items Output type

Hi all,

I’m opening this topic for a future and comprehensive discussion, if the forum moderators agree. Long story short, I have been using this software since October 2020 and I have come a long way since the days when I couldn`t understand nothing.
This forum indeed is very helpful, and I would like to thank everybody that’s involved. It turned me in a frequent user, therefore I’m raising the next question : Wouldn’t be useful to have some features/plugins regarding generating reports?

For every job I run, in my processes I use update data records and retrieve in order to get the job done.

Beside the initial input file I have 1, 2 more incoming files that updates the initial input file at (record set level). At the end of each job I have to create reports based on all the information updated in database.
For now, I’m using retrieve items → outputting to JSON followed by a script to create the report assisting the print documents.

It would be much more convenient to have the ability to generate a file straight away.

The struggling part is that:

  1. The Costumer ask for different types of reports
  2. The Postal company also asks for other types
  3. Strenuous work to write scripts for each client request and for each type of sending by the Postal company.

My company deals with postal integration and we have to assist every job with different kind of reports.

Also, I would also like see in the future this request posted by TDGreer


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That’s an excellent topic of conversation. We already have long term plans to provide dashboard-like capabilities to Connect, and this requires overhauling our current logging system, beefing up our REST API and providing methods to subscribe to notification events.
It won’t come all at once, features will be added gradually, but it is one of our major goals.

I am very interested in hearing about what our other community members would like to see in such a dashboard/reporting system. Even if it’s of no interest to them, that would still be valuable information as well.

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Hi Phil,

It has been a while since I have been on here. I too am very interested in a dashboard and the reporting functionality mentioned by fsh22 and TDGreer.

I will think more about this topic and should I have something to add, I will post again.
