Execute Data Mapping Error - Error while executing plugin


When trying to debug a process I get the following error when trying to execute the data mapper. Google was not helpful with this one.

Starting plugin Execute Data Mapping - 14:08:34
Sending file data source…
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused
Execute Data Mapping: W1603 : Plugin failed - 14:08:35 (elapsed time: 00:00:01:110)

Any help much appreciated.



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Hi Sharne,

Verify your credentials in tab ‘OL Connect Proxy’ of the Data Mapping task.

Hope it helps,


Hi Sophie,

Thank you for responding. However I’m under the impression that when I unchecked ‘enable server security’ in the Connect Server Configuration that I don’t need to input any proxy info. I have been running workflow like that for a while now and suddenly I have been getting this error.




maybe you have changed the windows user password. In that case you have to edit the windows service “OL Connect_Server”. Just type in your new user password and restart the service.


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One year and one month later I think I have this handled by now :slight_smile: Thanks for your input Thomas but to be honest I don’t even remember how I solved this.

My answer was more for documentation because I struggled with that problem a few days ago. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I think we all did when starting out and the more info in these forums the better.