Error while refreshing document boundaries: null (DME000048)

After the problem from this thread:

I had to close and reopen the software after a test print did not work due to the login message in that other thread.

Now I get the message from this posts topic and Javascripts seem no longer to work. Nothing was changed in the template between closing and reopening.


com.objectiflune.datamining.DocumentManager$DocumentInputException: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.xml.internal.engine.XMLDocumentManager.nextBoundaries(
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.DocumentManager.refresh(
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.PluginInput.refresh(
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.xml.internal.parser.XmlParserAdapter.a(
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.xml.internal.parser.XmlParserAdapter.nextRecord(
	... 5 more

There is no additional information in the log:

[2023-08-16 13:38:25,224] ERROR [main] Error while refreshing document boundaries: null (DME000048)
com.objectiflune.datamining.DocumentManager$DocumentInputException: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.xml.internal.engine.XMLDocumentManager.nextBoundaries(
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.DocumentManager.refresh(
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.PluginInput.refresh(
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: null
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.xml.internal.parser.XmlParserAdapter.a(
	at com.objectiflune.datamining.xml.internal.parser.XmlParserAdapter.nextRecord(
	... 5 common frames omitted

After restarting the server the error persists, but Javascripts seem to work again.

It is unfortunately hard to tell what is causing these errors without being able to investigate the OL Connect resources such as the Data Mapping Configuration and Template files or the OL Connect log files.

Based on the error Error while refreshing document boundaries: null (DME000048) I would assume that there is something going wrong in your Data Mapping Configuration file.

That was my first idea when I saw the error details, but

  • the datamapping was not changed for about two weeks
  • there are no errors in the datamapper
  • the error first appeared yesterday
  • the error comes and goes
  • after a server restart Javascripts seem to work again (maybe this is not even related to this error, just a timing coincidence)

I’ll observe this further and will add to the thread if more details come up.