Hi there,
I’m running a jscript in a workflow in debug and am getting this error.’
Error message: Exception EOutOfResources in module vcl60.bpl at 0001BA5F.
Unable to insert a line.
My script is looping though a data file and building a json object to use with our 3rd party transactional email rest API. It’s encoding pdf attachments as base64 and I’m limiting each json object to < 15mb as this is a limitation of the API. at that point I’m writing the json to a file and resetting all my vars before going on to the next set of records.
I’ve not got to the point where I’m hit the API yet just writing out the json to files as testing.
It seems to working okay but if I try and debug the file more than once I run into this issue and need to restart workflow.
Has anyone had this error and is the a solution to it ?