Error in Proof Printing

Hello, I just need help regarding this error I encountered while doing a Proof Print of the template. It did not appear when I just select a number of records/pages but when I try to Proof Print all, this is the error I got.

Here is the setting I used in the Output Creation

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Hi @gdejesus, welcome on the OL Learn forum!

The error message “No glyph application defined for reference 0” might be related to that one of the Connect Engines (1) went out of memory. Do you know at which part of the progress of the Proof Print’s progressbar the error message did occur? Was it by for example the Content Creation or the Output Creation step?

Can you let me know please how many records you would like to proof print and can you estimate in how many pages of output this will result? May I also know which version of PlanetPress Connect you are using?

What I would like to suggest is to check the Memory usage of the Merge Engine and Weaver Engine the moment you run a proof print via the Connect Designer. You can do this by opening the (Windows) Task Manager application and go to: Task Manager > Processes > Designer.exe (open the dropdown list which will show the Merge Engine (“MergeEngine.exe”) and Weaver Engine (“WeaverEngine.exe”) services).

Were you also able to test if the error message does also occur when you run a “Print” job via the Connect Designer? Do you know if in that case you will receive the same error message when you run a print job of the same number of records?

(1) With “Connect Engines” I’m referring to the DataMapper Engine, Merge Engine and Weaver Engine.