Email Input remaining attachment count


How to know when did I process last attachment when I use Email input? I have multiple zip attachments in one mail and I need to place all of them in single folder and at the end generate and place config file in same folder. Currently I can place attachments in specific folder, but when I process last attachment process ends and I don’t know how to generate that config file.

During debug I see that there is line in messages stating how many files remaining, but I don’t know how to get that data in workflow.


The number of attachments is stored in JobInfo 7, so you always have access to it throughout your process.

Yes it is stored in JobInfo7, but when I select “unzip attached file” that number does not include unzipped files.

You can use the JobInfos7 to know when you have ran the last attachment file. Then, you can use the Folder Listing plugin, on your folder(s) where you have unzipped the files, to know how many there is.