Email input -- Login -- Use Microsoft Outlook grayed out


I am attempting to configure a workflow which uses the email input to initiate, but the “Use Microsoft Outlook” checkbox is grayed out. Is there something I need to do in advance in order for this to work?

My goal for workflow is: Receive email –> Check for condition –> If Condiition met, take attachment –> Extract data from attachment –> etc.



Please first make sure that Microsoft Outlook is correctly installed and configured for the user that you are currently logged in as and, most importantly, for the user that the Workflow service will be running as.

In some cases, it seems that the Outlook installation does not create a certain registry value that is looked up by Workflow to determine whether Outlook is installed or not.

If it does not already exists, please create the following registry value:

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem
Name: “MAPIX”
Type: String
Value: “1”

This should resolve the issue. Note that Workflow requires the 32-bit version of Office. Don’t know if 64-bit Office exists, but I though it was worth mentioning anyways.

Fortiny, thanks for your response.

I uninstalled our version of Windows Outlook 2013 64bit and installed windows outlook 2016 32 bit to comply. I followed your directions, and found that the registry did not exist upon install so I created it below. My question is – Does the value need to be named? Or do I just change the default?

I ask because my problem persists, and upon dragging the email input onto the workflow, going to login, and trying to check the box for Use Microsoft Outlook, it continues to be grayed out as seen below.

Thanks for any additional help and information.

The value needs to be named MAPIX. Sorry about that. I will edit the original answer.

Thanks again for your quick and helpful response.

I changed the name as suggested, with the value set to 1. I then restarted my machine to ensure changes took place. Unfortunately, the option is still grayed out. Are there any other settings or steps I may be missing?

I’m running 32 bit outlook and windows server 2012 R2.

Hold, I may have found the issue. Will update once I test my theory.

Fortiny, just came back to say that it appears it was an issue on my part with configuration and I can’t actually use outlook with the user I was attempting to use.

I resolved by just switching to POP3 and configuring that way. Ended up getting the Email Input to start that way. Thanks for all your help!


Just as a note, Office 365 is not supported and this appeared to be my issue.

Hmm… Curious, I have Outlook 365 as well and it works.

But 365 can be a curious beast, part cloud, part local. There might be additional magic in play.