I am not sure if this applies to designer, workflow, or both. I hope I can explain this clearly.
We have a need to pull additional documents into a design document dynamically from an imaging system to create a packet in addition to the document we are creating with the data. Some of these documents have multiple pages. These imaging resources can be PDF, TIFF, or JPEG.
In Planet Press Suite Designer we set forms to have pages as placeholders. A dynamic image would represent the page content and would take up the whole page.
To list the high level picture:
- Data would come to create an invoice. This invoice is created in design
- Additional backup documentation would need to be produced with the invoice
- This backup documentation would come from an imaging repository and would contain many or all of the following:
- Shipping Confirmation
- original order
- manufacturing order
- delivery confirmation
- Etc
- This backup documentation would come from an imaging repository and would contain many or all of the following:
How would this be accomplished in Connect?
BTW - the pointers to the documents in the imaging repository would be in the data