Dynamic Table Borders


How can I remove the cell bottom/top borders inside a dynamic table without losing the last bottom boarder in on page.

for example if a dynamic table is overflowing on two pages I only want the bottom border to be at the end of every page.


try the following css (replace #yourTableID with the ID of your table):

#yourTableID tbody tr:nth-last-child(1) {
border-bottom: 1px solid black;

More informations about nth-last-child(): https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_nth-last-child.asp

Hope that helps.


In a dynamic table, data are in the body of the dynamic table (tbody), subtotals are in the footer (tfoot). You could use CSS to style the first row of the footer of the table, or the last row of the table body. The CSS selector tfoot tr:first-child selects the first row in the footer. (See http://help.objectiflune.com/en/planetpress-connect-user-guide/1.8/#designer/Styling_Formatting/Styling_With_CSS.htm#toc-3.)