I am trying to detect if a dynamic table has overflowed to the next page. Reason being, I would like to conditionally add the text “Continue on back” just after the table breaks to the next page. The catch is that I only want this text to show if the table overflows to the next page. Any assistance would be super helpful. Thank you!
Hi sstredd
You dont need to detect if there is a overflow. What you need to do is create a masterpage that has all the info including the continue on back text. Then right click your print section and select Sheet Configuration. Untick “Same For All Positions”. In there you can specify on the top that on single sheet you will use your original masterpage and on first/middle sheet your masterpage with continue and last sheet to also be your original masterpage.
Some useful links in the How To’s. LINK | LINK
Hope that helps.
Hey Sharne
Thank you for the quick response. I was able to get close to the desired results by disabling the duplex option in the sheet configuration menu and following your instructions, Thank you!
However, now I do not get a black page if no content exists. This section is to be in duplex and to create a blank page (omitting the Master) if no content overflows. Is the behavior of duplex replicatable with your solution?
Make a masterpage called back. (or whatever else you want to call it. Then in your sheet configuration in the “Single Sheet” section select the back master page in the “Master Page Back” drop down menu.
For my duplex run with overflow I needed it to print like: statement-back-statement-back etc.
So I added the master back to all the options in the sheet configuration’s “Master Page Back” drop down menus.
It takes a bit of playing around but soon the logic kicks in.
Alternatively you could make use of a footer row in your table and set the Show option to Before Page Breaks. To achieve this:
Add a footer section to your table (<tfoot). This is achieved by right mouse clicking the table and choose Table > Insert tfoot from the contextual menu or add it manually in the Source view. It would look something like this.
Add the text Continue on next page in a cell of the footer row
Right mouse click the footer row and choose: Row > Show > Before Page Break. See the image below.
Hope this is of some help,
ohhh this solution is clean and slick. Both answers so far work wonderfully, however yours is the simplest for this specific case. Thank you Erik!
I was able to get the desired results using a method similar to what you described. Thanks again for the helpful info, it will come in handy again for sure.
You’re welcome!
Its a pleasure. I always try to help out here because the support I get from the OL devs is amazing. So its nice to help out others if I can. If you need any help for anything else just shout. We are all here to lend a hand.
Nice one Erik! I’ll be sure to keep this method noted. Always learning new things with Connect. Thanks.