Decrease the value of total pages

Hello OL

I am using default paginations (page counts) from designer.


<div id="pageCounter" class="pagenumber pagecount" anchor="page_media_0"
style="position: absolute; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; width: 85px; height: 19px; top: 86px; left: 697.011px;" offset-x="697.011" offset-y="86">
    PAGE {#} OF {##} 

I have need to somehow decrease the value of total page (dont want to include page backer backside in total pages)

Is there any way to do TotalPages-1 ?


You could achieve that using a Post Pagination script. Lets assume you have a box on the master page holding the page information. I would suggest to remove all content from that box and add a span with a class. For example:

<span class="page-count"></span>

In a Post Pagination script you could do the following (set the selector of the script to :root):

var  pageCount = merge.pagination.pageCount - 1;
merge.context.query('.page-count').text( pageCount );

Hope this helps,
