You’ll need to follow that article’s instructions on creating an ODBC connection. Once that’s done, add an Extraction step in your config with the following code:
var myCSVFile = "Basic.csv"
var myCSV = db.connect('jdbc:odbc:CSV');
var rows = myCSV.createStatement().executeQuery('SELECT * FROM "' + myCSVFile + '"');
var columnCount = rows.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
// Skip to the proper line in the CSV, based on current Record index
var page = 0;
while(page<record.index &&{
// Grab all values generically
var oneRecord = '';
for (var i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++ ) {
oneRecord += rows.getString(i);
oneRecord += (i<columnCount) ? ',' : '';
Change the name of the CSV file on the first line of the script.
Here’s what the code does:
It opens the file and generates a record set that includes all columns in the CSV.
It then skips over each CSV line until the line number patches the current PDF page number (which is controlled via record.index, since each PDF page is a record).
It iterates through all columns and grabs their values using their column number instead of the column name, making the code work generically for any CSV
It builds a comma-separated list of all those values, and that’s what the Extraction step stores in the data.
That’s because your ODBC setting believes the first line of your CSV contains the column headers. So you have two options to fix this:
Actually add the column headers as the first line in your CSV
Change the ODBC definition: go back to the ODBC64 settings, click on Configure, then on Options and then on Define Format. Select your sample data file and then click Guess. This will instruct the ODBC drivers to use the specified names as column headers, causing the entire CSV to be read properly, including the first line: