Datamapper executed twice?

I have a job that merges three TXT files in a preprocessor script. That works fine but I noticed that this preprocessor script is executed twice.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this expected behavior? On large files, it runs the entire job twice, which adds extra time to execution. It would be nice to skip the second run.

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Yes, this is a known issue that we are hoping to address in a future release.

I too discovered this problem a few weeks back and logged a ticket .

I was writing SQL queries in the preprocessor which ended up doubling the SQL queries .

I was told by the developers this was normal and I shouldn’t be using the preprocessor for this . They gave me a few alternatives like using the POST Processor( which runs once) and not the pre-processor . I never came right and eventually found a way to figure out if I was in the first or second run preprocess .

I will still investigate the suggested alternatives again when I have more time on hand .
