Data Repository - Delete based on DateM and another column

I would like to delete records if my Status column has a specific value and the DateM is over 7 days old.
Having difficulties getting it to work.

Something like this will get the list of keysets that are over 7 days old. You should be able to take it from there:

var repo = new ActiveXObject("RepositoryLib.WorkflowRepository");
var numberOfDays = 7;
var oneWeekAgo = new Date(*3600*24*1000))

oneWeekAgoString = oneWeekAgo.toISOString().slice(0,10)

var fields       = ["DateC", "DateM"];
var condition    = 'DateM < "' + oneWeekAgoString + '%"';

var ks = repo.GetKeySets("Group1", JSON.stringify(fields), condition);


This helps a lot, but wondering why some files are not being deleted.

var repo = new ActiveXObject("RepositoryLib.WorkflowRepository");

var numberOfDays  = 7;
var printPeriod   = new Date(*3600*24*1000))
printString       = printPeriod.toISOString().slice(0,10);

var purgeDays     = 30;
var purgePeriod   = new Date(*3600*24*1000))
purgeString       = purgePeriod.toISOString().slice(0,10);

var orphanDays    = 60;
var orphanPeriod  = new Date(*3600*24*1000))
orphanString      = orphanPeriod.toISOString().slice(0,10);

var fields        = ["DateC", "DateM", "status"];
var condPrint     = 'DateM >= "' + printString + '%" and status = "printed"';
var condPurge     = 'DateM >= "' + purgeString + '%" and status = "critical printer error"';
var condOrphan    = 'DateM >= "' + orphanString + '%" and status = "received"';


var delPrintCount  = JSON.parse(repo.RemoveKeySets("JobTracking_SF_PRINT", condPrint));
Watch.Log("Deleted Printed Count: " + delPrintCount,2);

var delPurgeCount  = JSON.parse(repo.RemoveKeySets("JobTracking_SF_PRINT", condPurge));
Watch.Log("Deleted Purged Count: " + delPurgeCount,2);

var delOrphanCount = JSON.parse(repo.RemoveKeySets("JobTracking_SF_PRINT", condOrphan));
Watch.Log("Deleted Orphan Count: " + delOrphanCount,2);

After running this script files still remain that I believe should have removed.
Today is 2023-08-29, but “printed” files from 2023-05-22 still remain even though they are older than 7 days old.


Since you are not looking at the time component of the date strings, you can simply compare the first 10 characters in each Key (and also remove the extra “%”). For instance:

var condPrint     = 'substr(DateM,1,10) >= "' + printString + '" and status = "printed"';

The repository is based on SQLLite, so you can lookup information on the types of WHERE clauses you can use in the Repository API.