i have no preference on the version… I will try to update it. I had assumed it had been updating when i update the version, but it must have not been for some reason
I uninstalled / reinstalled connect and now it seems to work!
I do think there may be a problem with MySQL not updating when new updates are applied though… this system has definitely had its connect updated multiple times and I don’t ever recall unchecking MySQL and it was clearly still on a very old version.
Upgrading a database system is no easy task if the data is to be retained. In fact, it is usually not recommended, as internal structures may have changed, the schemas may be incompatible, file formats, data formats, etc. This is why the upgrade is not done by default.
I am having similar problem.
I updated to the lastest version of connect 2021.1.1.6675
I can’t update the character set in connect, but the schema in the server is set to the correct schema.
already did several reboots.
we found a fix for this:
do this query:
select concat('ALTER TABLE objectiflune.', c.TABLE_NAME, ' CHANGE ' , c.COLUMN_NAME, ' ',
c.COLUMN_NAME, ' ', c.column_type, ' CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE
from information_schema.columns c
where c.character_set_name = 'utf8' AND c.table_schema = 'objectiflune';
and then select the result and copy it in a new query and execute.
it worked for me.