Custom Workflow plugin general questions


I love the “Connect Workflow Custom Plugin Packager”. Not the very long name of the tool, but the ability to create own Workflow plugins to make my customers live easier. Good job OL!

But actually I can only define simple input fields without further possibilities or I don`t know how to do. So maybe the following things are possible?

  1. I want to prefill an input field with a default value, but <input type="text" name="myinputfieldname" value="myDefaultValue"> does not work.

  2. I want the possibility to choose a file or folder via button instead of an text input.

Are there any other samples in addition to the two provided in the tool (“AddToLog” and “PDF Property Editor”)?

That version of the Custom Plugin Packager (CPP) is, unfortunately, a bit limited in the type of UI you can implement. We do have a completely revamped, and much more powerful version that we use internally to create our own plugins (see, for instance, the Render Email Content plugin), but the CPP for that version is not yet ready to be published.

Sounds like there will be a public release for that advanced version. :slight_smile:
But even as it is now, it is very helpful.

Hi Phil,
Big fan of CPP too!
Any prognosis on a release date (or month)?

Unfortunately, there has been no progress on that front.
I will revisit the timeline with R&D and post an update here once we settle on it.