Create PDF vs Image

So I’m creating a process to go to Image and create PDFs, and during debug, everything looks good but it doesn’t create the file. No errors in the debug output, either, which is new. When I put Create PDF in its place, I get the file. Licensing is fine. What am I missing?

Two things:

  • Take a look at the Image logs (C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Image\Log) and see if any error is listed in there
  • Try the same process, but using the Digital Action task, using the same parameters and see if that works.

Please report the results of both points above.


The Digital Action “Create PDF” worked. There was nothing in the Log folder

I’d say the Image service is not running if there are no logs for it. Check your Workflow logs to see if it was able to launch the PPImage8 service.

Bingo! Image was not running due to incorrect logon credentials. I resolved that and it tested out. Thanks!