Create labels in pie chart SVG with circles?

I am not sure if svg is supported in the print content version of PP but I am trying to create a pie chart with svg circles. I am setting the dasharay and dashoffset to a variable. My question: How can I get labels outside of the circle (in the middle of the dasharray).

I have four payment options that I need to display, so I need four labels being dynamic outside the pie chart.

<svg class=“donut” viewBox=“0 0 42 42” width=“100%” height=“100%” >

<circle class=“donut-hole” r=“15.91549430918954” cx=“21” cy=“21” fill=“Transparent”></circle>

<circle class=“donut-ring” r=“15.91549430918954” cx=“21” cy=“21” stroke-width=“5.1” fill=“transparent” stroke=“#d2d3d4”></circle>

‘<circle id=“arc1” class=“donut-segment” r=“15.91549430918954” cx=“21” cy=“21” stroke-dasharray="’ + p + ’ ’ + ptot + ’ " stroke-dashoffset=“’ + dashoffset + '” stroke-width=“4” fill=“transparent” stroke=“#00B4D2”></circle>’ +


I am setting the label manually: ‘<div id=“label1” >PRINCIPAL<br>’ + formatter.currency(r.SXPRIN01) + ‘</div>’

query('#label1').css('left', "50px");
query('#label1').css('top', "20px");

Guess you want to position the labels mid of a donut segment?
Anyway I think this needs lot more of custom coding and css to position the label text on the right place.
You may use transform and translate for that and calculating the values in a script, but that’s not easily done I guess.