I am trying to check a checkbox based on a value in the data model.
So if the field is 1, the check box needs to be checked. This is also in a detail table so it would need to apply to all records in that detail table.
I am trying to check a checkbox based on a value in the data model.
So if the field is 1, the check box needs to be checked. This is also in a detail table so it would need to apply to all records in that detail table.
You need to add the checked=“” in your input of type checkbox.
Lets say that you are doing it for all check box in a detail table AND there is as many checkbox as there is detail record…then
if(record.tables.detail[0].fields.yourField === 1){
or better
$(this).attr('checked',record.tables.detail[index].fields.yourField === 1);
How would I apply this to a specific id’ed checkbox for that particular line, because there are two for each detail table line?
I’d set a class to the the checkboxes I wan’t checked (or not) and use that class as the Selector of my script.