I’ve noticed that you can change a context’s margin in a control script, but not the bleed. Any chance this might be updated at some point?
Where this would be a great feature is where some items are being printed on a shell and some are being printed digitally. We need the bleed for digital print but not for the shell printing.
I’ve created a feature request for this. We could handle this via a Control Script or perhaps making it an option for output creation as seen in Adobe products. In that case of the latter you could create content once and use a dynamically set output preset or branch to generate output. No eta yet. [Internal ref: SHARED-81877]
I had a look at the feature request that Erik created. There is no eta on that yet. But I thought it would be nice to know that it’s already possible to create output without the bleed by using impositioning: you can create a 1up imposition with exactly the intended media size.
So you can have a regular output preset that will include the bleed when printing, and another one that will imposition and effectively cut off the bleed. This allows you to create both kinds of output while doing content creation only once.
Just checking ETA on this? Also using imposition to remove bleed will not work if you are printing content through output creation using document tag metadata. I believe only Job metadata is available when you are imposing.
Thanks for raising this again. I have set the improvement for 2023.2 (we have just wrapped up the improvements for 2023.1). No guarantees, but we will be aiming to add it to that version.
The feature would be to have an option in Output Creation to remove/ignore bleed, so you don’t need to repeat your Content Creation to get rid of the bleed.
Hopefully an option that can be set through the Workflow! So only needing one output creation configuration depending on situation. As we have requirements to also send clients A4 size together with the print ready pdf file.