I recently installed connect using the latest installer download. Th initial install was performed with the included MySQL database. We would like to switch to an external MS SQL database. No configuration, templates, or data models have been created yet. It is version
What would be the proper steps to follow? (is there a document available?)
Is there a script that needs to be run to create the tables?
Is there a requirement or restrictions for the name of the database?
what are the requirements for username and user rights? (this is a shared SQL server so I will not have access to the SA ID or password. The DBA team will want to allow rights only to this schema or set of tables)
I did read this documentation before I posted the question. None of the questions I asked are addressed by the documentation. So can the database have any name? The user ID? Are DB Owner rights sufficient? Do the necessary tables majically get created when switching In the server configuration tool?
So sorry, though all the infos were there, here we go!
There is no restriction for the database name.
Since the tables aren’t created yet, Connect will detect it and create them on the fly (this might take a little longer to open Connect but it is a one-time thing.
I will post back the answer as for the DB access account…
The SA will be required for the creation of the account and the settings of the right. After that as along as the account as right to create and modify tables, you will be all right.