Hi There
Just a quick question to ask how I might go about case changing data within the datamapper and also how I might go about appending Country fields?
Thanks in advance!
Hi There
Just a quick question to ask how I might go about case changing data within the datamapper and also how I might go about appending Country fields?
Thanks in advance!
Hello em_rudirud,
If you mean an actualy “Switch/Case” system, this has… literally JUST been added to Connect. Version 1.5, released on Monday, has this new feature in the DataMapper.
As for the Country fields, you should be able to extract that from your data. If it’s not in your data you’ll have to figure out a secondary source for it, and most likely use something like Compelement Metadata using Workflow in order to get the data in there.
Hi There
Thanks for this. Apologies what I meant by changing case was changing the data to proper case? For example it the data came in as upper case?
We use matchIt which I believe is supported? If so how would I go about doing this?