Calculating heights gives strange values

I have an invoice that has a header that is defined in the master page like:

I have tried to calculate the height like:
Height = query(“#div1”).position().top + query(“#div1”).height();

This should give me the start position that I can then use to set the top margin in my Post Pagination script. Of course I first have to convert the pixels to inches which I do like: = (Height / 94).toString() + “in”;

My margin for the Master Page is set to: 4.4in.
When I check the Height variable this gives me: 1.8297872340425532in

When I check the height in pixels for #div1 it gives me: 138
query(“#div1”).position().top = 34
The height for #innerdiv1 = 138
The height for #innerdiv2 = 216

#innerdiv1 contains a table with some rows and columns and the same for #innerdiv2.

The values absolutely do not make sense to me.
My issue is that the invoice header contains a customer block with information like a customer reference, invoice number, etc. Unfortunately the reference can be very long so it could span 2 lines instead of a default 1 line. One or two other fields could also be longer than expected.
When this happens the header will overlap with the content when I use a fixed margin size so I wanted to make this dynamic but unfortunately I am having issues getting the correct values.

What I also notice is that when I have an input file with a lot of information the designer locks up around every 10 seconds and it will be not responding during this time for some seconds (due to the post pagination script - as I do not have this issue when I disable the script). This is very frustrating when trying to check the code or typing something.

Perhaps #innerdiv2 is absolute positioned? That would mean it doesn’t contribute to the height of its parent. It’s hard to say without seeing your template.

Note: Your conversion should do (height / 96) since 1 inch consists of 96 pixels.

What I also notice is that when I have an input file with a lot of information the designer locks up around every 10 seconds and it will be not responding during this time for some seconds (due to the post pagination script - as I do not have this issue when I disable the script). This is very frustrating when trying to check the code or typing something.

That’s strange. I double-checked and a section.paginate() call is a no-op in design mode, so that shouldn’t impact responsiveness. I wonder what’s causing that.

Thank you. I have created a ticket for this as it is probably a lot better to see in the design itself.