Australia Post Barcode data source

Hi there,

Just trying to get my head around Pres Connect. I’m having trouble getting an Australia Post Barcode displaying using the inbuilt barcode. What is the expected data for these barcodes? We use data tools for DPID processing and I am using the 4 state barcode sting from there as my data source.

I can get other barcode types to display using this same field.


Could you share a sample of your data?

Hi Erik,

This is an example of the data field I’m using


The documentation isn’t really clear what format is expected for this barcode.

I can see I’m getting this error code

com.objectiflune.barcodes.renderers.AbstractBarCodeRenderer.init( com.objectiflune.barcodes.renderers.InvalidDataException: Invalid format code 13.



Hi Michael,

The barcode function expects a decoded string. I used an online tool to decode the provided string to: 1172859296

With the above I was able to generate an Australia Post Barcode in OL Connect. Is your data tool able to generate a decoded string?


PS. I’ll ask the documentation team to update the online help.

For others who may see an InvalidDataException when hiding the australiapost barcode and a value is not set, I set the following:


The barcode is not rendered, and the error goes away.