Anyone using a Zebra ZT411 printer?

I’m having some issues printing to a Zebra ZT411 and wonder if anyone else has seen this and found a solution?

The printer is using direct thermal printing. This is set in the Windows driver. When I print a test print from the driver this prints correctly. When I print a job from Connect the printer stops with a “Ribbon Out” message. If I clear the message the label prints correctly.

On putting the printer in hex mode I can see that the job from Connect has the ^MTT command to set the media type to thermal transfer mode (using a ribbon). When I print a test page from the Windows driver this command doesn’t appear so the printer uses its default setting of direct thermal media.

Has anyone else seen this and found a way around this?

When you’re printing from Connect, are you using the Window Printer option in the Output Preset, or is this being returned to the Workflow and running through a Print using Windows Driver action there?

It uses the Windows Printer in the Output Preset.

Alright, to the best of my knowledge, that should apply the default settings in your printer driver as defined in Windows. For example, I just ran some tests with my setup where I forced the driver into Grayscale in Windows and anything coming through from Connect was also converted to Grayscale. Resetting this to color allowed the color of my template to come through.

There’s undoubtedly an option in the driver that needs to be changed, but I haven’t got access to a similar printer to make any guesses as to what that might be. If you want to open a ticket we could remote in and assist with testing to see if there’s anything else that can be tweaked here.

The printer supplier came up with the following ZPL commands which tell the printer to ignore the media type command.

! U1 setvar “device.command_override.add” “^MT”

! U1 setvar “device.reset” “”

I sent these to the printer using the Zebra Setup Utilities and this is now working.