Am Charts and using patterns instead of color

Hello - I am really trying to learn how to use am Charts. I do struggle but gaining a little. Is there any documentation that will help me implement using patterns for pie charts rather than color? I do use the online chart maker to help me a lot. I have a couple questions - 1) I read that pie charts do not work well with patterns. Is this true? 2) Also, can you assign certain patterns to go with certain values or is random? I will have at the least 15 and probably the most 20 values. Any help is greatly appreciated. I just wanted to add that I tried the use “theme”: “patterns” and it did not work. It did in am Charts though. I did get a pattern when I used - “pattern”: “…/images/LargeGrid.png” but I have several patterns.

Thank you

Does anyone have any examples of graphs they have done using patterns?

I assume that you will have to expand the chart script and that you have to set the property patternField for each graph in that case. However, I do not have an example available right now to test this so I cannot confirm whether this will provide the required result, unfortunately.

Update: Although using the property patternField to apply patterns to a chart appears to be working when viewing a Print Section in Preview mode, it is currently not supported in OL Connect.

Is it true patterns do not work with pie charts?

That’s true. Using patterns, even when using the patternField property, is not supported in the current version of OL Connect. This does not only apply to pie chart but to all charts.

OK - thank you. That explains why I can’t get anything to work. Is there any talk about it being supported in the future?
