Adding page count to barcode

In the Output Creation Settings, I can add 1 of 3 document options to a barcode - document number, document page, document number of pages.

What I would like to add to my barcode is the current sheet number of the output. If the sheet is page 473 of 500, I would like to indicate in my barcode that it is 473, is this possible?

Hello Chompsey,

Just to be sure, does your 500 pages represents the total amount of pages in your job or the number of pages for each record? Meaning do you have multiple documents in your job?

Just to clarify things, a sheet can contain 2 pages. If you are printing duplex, both the front and back will have the same sheet number (250 sheets for 500 pages). If you are printing simplex, the sheet will only contain one page.



Hello chompsey,

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no way of getting a global job page count. We are looking into possibly adding this feature in a future version of the software, however I do not know which version it will be.