I have Planetpress talk that specify this condition:
A showpage command is issued and a second page is created. If there is a line 35, everything works ok but if the &iNbLignesAffichees ends at 34, a blank page is generated.
How can I add a second condition to the if statement that will prevent a second page being created?
Then I stand with my 2nd previous answer. You condition should be if(&iNbLignesAffichees > 34). when it is true, you then do your showpage(). If it isn’t, no page is added and you let the normal showpage of the form page be executed.
I haven’t went though all of the code yet but right of the bat, on line 12 of the PressTalk1_bk PressTalk object, you increment the value of &iNbLignesAffichees by one when you set its starting value to 1 on line 2.
So right away, your &iNbLignesAffichees is set to 2 without having shown anything. Then you do the same at line 23, after you actually have shown a text line.
The fact that it causes an issue at datapage 692 is probably because it is the first page which has exactly 34 lines.
Can you confirm that it is the source of the issue? I would initialize your &iNbLignesAffichees variable to 0, on line 2, and nothing else need be changed.
I have tried the suggested modification on line 2. &iNbLignesAffichees:=0, ran the preview again and I am still getting the extra blank page on datapage 692.
Tx for the latest pp7 JCH. I have ran it as is on my computer.
Datapage 692 extracted from created pdf and saved to:
I am still getting the same extra page generated. Is there any software settings on my software installation that would cause that? I have PlanetPress Design Version
Then that must be it. Update to the latest version which is, which is the final version for it. Because the form I sent you works fine for me.